Some Types of PTs in Indonesia

By. Agung Pandu Winasis - 15 Nov 2024

img - Perseroan Terbatas (PT) is a form of business entity that has official legal status and is recognized by the state. In a PT, the company's capital is divided into shares, and the owners of the shares have limited liability to the value of the shares owned. In Indonesia, there are various types of PTs that have different characteristics and purposes, according to the business needs and scale of the company. Here are some types of PTs that exist in Indonesia:

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1. PT Terbuka (Tbk.)

PT Terbuka or PT Publik is a type of limited liability company whose shares can be traded freely on the stock market. This means that PT Tbk. can offer shares to the general public through the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). To become a public company, the company must fulfill the terms and conditions set by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and the IDX, including the obligation of open and periodic financial reporting.

The advantage of a PT Tbk. is that the company can obtain greater capital from the public for its business development. However, this type of company must also comply with strict regulations and be ready to be transparently monitored by public shareholders.

Examples of PT Tbk.: Some big companies in Indonesia such as PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. and PT Bank Central Asia Tbk.

2. PT Tertutup

PT Tertutup is the opposite of a PT Tbk., where the company's shares are only owned by certain parties who are usually the company's founders, family, or a certain scope only. PT Tertutup shares are not sold to the public, so the company does not need to be listed on the IDX.

The advantage of PT Tertutup is that it has no obligation to disclose financial statements to the public and is not supervised by the OJK. In addition, the owners of the company have greater control over the company's decisions without having to involve the public.

Example of PT Tertutup: Most small and medium-sized companies in Indonesia that have not yet made a public offering fall into this category.

3. PT Penanaman Modal Asing (PT PMA)

PT Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) is a type of PT that is established with part or all of its capital coming from foreign investors. PT PMA is often used by foreign investors who want to open or manage a business in Indonesia. Before establishing a PT PMA, foreign investors must comply with the provisions of the Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) as well as applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia.

This type of PT allows foreign investment in various sectors, but there are certain sectors that do not allow or limit foreign capital ownership, such as strategic sectors or those related to national security.

Example of PT PMA: Foreign companies engaged in mining, technology, or manufacturing in Indonesia, such as international electronics or automotive companies operating in Indonesia.

4. PT Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PT PMDN)

PT Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) is a PT whose entire capital comes from domestic investors. It is a type of PT that is often established by local entrepreneurs and the capital comes from domestic individuals or companies.

Just like a PT PMA, a PT PMDN must also comply with applicable regulations in Indonesia. One of the advantages of a PT PMDN is that all profits earned can be reinvested into the national economy.

Example of PT PMDN: Most local companies in Indonesia are engaged in various sectors, such as culinary, property, or education.

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5. PT Keluarga

PT Keluarga is a type of PT Tertutup whose shares are owned by certain family members. PT Keluarga is established for a specific purpose, usually to keep control of the company within the family. This type of PT is often found in family companies in Indonesia that have been going on for generations.

The advantage of a PT Keluarga is that the company can maintain full control without involving outside parties. However, the challenge for this type of PT is in terms of succession and continuity of leadership which often leads to conflicts between family members.

Example of PT Keluarga: Many family businesses in agribusiness, plantations, or manufacturing are owned by the same generation of the family and maintained for generations.

6. PT Joint Venture

PT Joint Venture is a PT established by two or more parties who have an agreement to share ownership and responsibilities in the management of the company. PT Joint Venture is usually established for large projects, especially those that require large capital and resources and aim to expand business networks.

In Indonesia, PT Joint Venture usually involves cooperation between foreign and local investors, aiming to build joint projects in certain sectors, such as energy, construction, or technology.

Example of PT Joint Venture: Several technology and energy companies in Indonesia often cooperate with foreign companies to strengthen capital and access to technology.

7. PT Perorangan

PT Perorangan is a type of PT that has recently been regulated under the UU Cipta Kerja in Indonesia. It is established by one person with a smaller capital than a regular PT, making it more accessible to small and micro businesses. PT Perorangan is perfect for small businesses that want to have an official legal entity without having to deal with large capital or complicated organizational structures.

The advantage of an PT Perorangan is that the founder can self-manage the company and still get legal protection without involving multiple shareholders. However, for expansion and investment purposes, PT Perorangan has limitations as it is usually established with limited capital.

Example of PT Perorangan: Many UMKM owners who want to expand their business legally in the culinary, service, or retail fields have started to choose PT Perorangan as their business form.

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Each type of PT in Indonesia has its own characteristics and advantages that can be adjusted to the needs and scale of the business. PT Tbk. is suitable for large companies that want to access public capital, while PT Tertutup and PT Keluarga are more suitable for entrepreneurs who want to maintain control of the business. PMA and PMDN PT provide investment opportunities for both foreign and domestic businesses, while PT Perorangan provide the way for UMKM owmners to have a simpler legal entity.

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