5 How to Determine a HACCP Team in the Food Industry

By. Mohammad Khosidil - 17 Feb 2025


Bisnisrakyat.id - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a food safety management system that aims to identify, evaluate and control hazards that can affect food safety. Establishing a competent HACCP team is the first step in implementing this system in the food industry. The following are the steps in determining an effective HACCP team:

1. Determine Team Members

The HACCP team should consist of individuals with a variety of backgrounds and expertise relevant to food production. Here are some ideal positions to be on the HACCP team:

  • Production Manager: Understands the entire production process and can provide technical insight.
  • Food Safety Expert: Responsible for ensuring that food safety standards are implemented correctly.
  • Quality Expert: Oversees the quality of raw materials, production processes, and final products.
  • Engineering or Maintenance Expert: Understand the equipment and infrastructure used in production.
  • Raw Material Procurement Expert: Ensures raw materials received comply with food safety standards.
  • Laboratory Expert or Microbiologist: Responsible for analysis and testing of microbiological contamination.
  • Production Operator: Provides a practical perspective related to the daily execution of production processes.

2. Assign a Team Leader

The HACCP team leader is responsible for coordinating all team members and ensuring that all HACCP procedures are implemented correctly. The team leader must have:

  • Strong understanding of HACCP principles.
  • Good communication skills to coordinate teams.
  • Expertise in risk management and problem solving.

Read more: 4 Thermophilic Bacteria in Sterilized Food Products

3. Conduct HACCP Training

All team members must receive training on the principles and application of HACCP so they can understand their respective duties and responsibilities. Training may include:

  • Identify biological, chemical, and physical hazards.
  • Risk analysis techniques and critical point control.
  • Documentation and recording in accordance with HACCP standards.

4. Determine Duties and Responsibilities

Each team member should have a clear role in the HACCP system, including:

  • Identify potential hazards in the production process.
  • Determining Critical Control Points (CCP) and critical limits.
  • Carrying out monitoring and verification.
  • Develop correction procedures if deviations occur.

Read more: 7 Important Things in Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Principles

5. Conduct periodic evaluations

The HACCP team should periodically review and evaluate the effectiveness of the systems implemented. This evaluation may include:

  • Audit internal HACCP.
  • Changes in production processes or raw materials.
  • Response to customer feedback or inspection results from food safety authorities.

Read more: 9 Benefits of Monitoring Food Product Quality


Determining a competent HACCP team is a crucial step in ensuring food safety in the food industry. By selecting members who have relevant expertise, providing adequate training, and defining clear tasks, the HACCP system can be implemented effectively to protect consumers and maintain compliance with food safety regulations.

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