8 How to Choose Quality Tempeh for Daily Consumption

By. Mohammad Khosidil - 06 Jan 2025


Bisnisrakyat.id - Tempe is a typical Indonesian food that is rich in nutrients. Apart from being a good source of vegetable protein, tempeh also contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds that are beneficial for health. Therefore, choosing quality tempeh is very important to get maximum benefits from this food. The following is a practical guide to choosing quality tempeh.

1. Pay attention to the color of the tempe

Quality tempe has an even, clean white color. This white color comes from fungal growth Rhizopus oligosporus healthy during the fermentation process. Avoid tempeh that has black, brown or green spots, as this could be a sign that the tempeh is starting to rot or is contaminated by other fungi.

2. Tempe Aroma

Fresh tempe has a distinctive aroma that is slightly sour, but still pleasant. If tempe emits an odor that is too sour, rotten, or has an unnatural odor, this indicates that it is no longer suitable for consumption. The good aroma of tempeh shows that the fermentation process is going well and the soybean raw materials used are of high quality.

3. Tempe Texture

Quality tempe has a dense and compact texture. The two soybean seeds are tightly bound together by the fungal mycelium. If the tempe feels too soft, crumbles easily, or the soybean seeds fall out, this indicates that the tempe may have been made using an imperfect process or the raw materials are not good.

4. Condition of Tempe Wrapping

Usually, traditional tempeh is wrapped in banana leaves, while modern tempe is often wrapped in plastic. Check the cleanliness and integrity of the packaging. On tempe leaves, make sure there are no big holes or dirty leaves. For plastic tempeh, choose one whose packaging is not torn or leaking to prevent contamination.

5. View Creation Date

For tempe sold in modern packaging, always check the production date and expiration date printed on the packaging. This helps ensure the tempeh is still fresh when consumed.

6. Choose from Trusted Sellers

Buy tempe from sellers who are known to maintain the cleanliness and quality of their products. At traditional markets, ask the seller about the process of making tempe, especially if you buy in large quantities. Tempeh from trusted producers is usually more consistent in quality.

7. Avoid tempe which contains dangerous additives

Some rogue manufacturers may use additives such as unsafe colorings or preservatives. Choose tempe that is natural and does not contain dangerous additives. Make sure the tempeh is made only with soybean ingredients, tempeh yeast, and a little water.

8. Tempeh durability test

Good tempe can last up to several days at room temperature if stored properly. If the tempe quickly changes color or smells even though it has just been purchased, it is likely that the quality is not good or was not fresh to begin with.

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Choosing quality tempe is not only important for health, but also helps ensure the resulting dish has delicious taste and optimal nutrition. By paying attention to the color, aroma, texture, condition of the packaging, and the origin of the tempeh, you can get the best tempeh for family consumption. We hope this guide helps you choose quality tempe every time!

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